YouTube Subscription Anomalies–May 5, 2024

Many of us who are either YouTubers or who are subscribed to YouTubers, have been seeing something strange happen over at least the last couple of months.

The subscriptions that people have been adding, for their favorite channels, have been being unsubscribed, and NOT by the people who did the subscribing!

Case in Point…
Dan Vasc’s YouTube Channel
Sunday — May 5, 2024

Dan’s Subs are VERY near his long-time goal of having 1,000,000 Subscribers. I keep a spreadsheet of the daily changes (which lately have been taking quite a few days for a 1,000-Subscribers upward change. That has happened before, but lately, it seems like it’s been happening a LOT more often than I’ve ever seen it, over the past year, since Dan posted his rendition of “Amazing Grace, on April 7, 2023.

I’m a “night-owl.” This morning I woke up a short while after midnight, and was on my computer shortly before 2 AM. Here’s what proceeded to happen, as I began to check out the individual subscription changes at “,” on Dan’s individual listing. These screenshots were each taken immediately AFTER I WATCHED each of the numbers change!

2024-05-05-015618 (May 5, 2024 — 1:56:18 AM CDT)…
I had watched the numbers roll (during approximately a two-minute span) from 996,996 to 996,997, to 996,998, and then to 996,999. I took the following screenshot because I was very excited that I’d soon be seeing the number roll to 997,000!!! Then there was a bit of a delay, with nothing happening.

2024-05-05 020020 (May 5, 2024 — 2:00:20 AM CDT)…
Finally, just over four minutes later, another change DID happen. To my dismay, however, the number did NOT suddenly appear as 997,000, which would have added a single subscription. Instead, it ROLLED BACKWARD, to 996,900, which meant that apparently 99 subscriptions had just been DELETED! WHAT?!

2024-05-05 023002 (May 5, 2024 — 2:30:02 AM CDT)…
I waited about half-an-hour, then checked the numbers again. They HAD changed again, this time rolling upwards, at least, to 996,907.

2024-05-05 025929 (May 5, 2024 — 2:59:29 AM CDT)…
In nearly another half-hour, the upward roll caused the following display (eight more subs added…or re-added?), causing the new total of subscriptions to become 996,915. Oh, good…that was ONLY 84 subs DOWN from what it had been at 1:56 AM…about an hour previously!

2024-05-05 034852 (May 5, 2024 — 3:48:52 AM CDT)…
Nearly another hour had gone by when I took this screenshot. The subs had again rolled upward, to 996,927.

2024-05-05 035303 (May 5, 2024 — 3:53:03 AM CDT)…
Five minutes later, the subs jumped upward again (by 73), thereby creating a new total of 997,000 subs…FINALLY!!!

2024-05-05 044820 (May 5, 2024 — 4:48:20 AM CDT)…
Aha! Over the space of nearly another hour, finally the number of subs jumped up yet again…to 997,014.

2024-05-05-125514 (May 5, 2024 — 12:55:14 PM CDT)…
A little over eight hours later, as I’m writing this, the number of subs has jumped up again, to 997,135. I suppose the larger number of subs added is because of it now being mid-day, here in the middle of the U.S.)

Unfortunately, there is no explanation, anywhere, for that huge DROP, between 2:00 AM and 2:30 AM today! Very, very strange!

I’m about ready to head for bed for a few hours (1:14 PM CDT). I’ll be checking the numbers again, once I start my “next day” at probably around 7 PM tonight (05/05/2024). We’ll find out then, how fast Dan’s subs are rolling upwards…hopefully with no further downward rushes!

2024-05-05 223310 (May 5, 2024 — 10:33:10 CDT)…
At least there is some ongoing progress…at the moment.


2 Replies to “YouTube Subscription Anomalies–May 5, 2024”

  1. That’s so weird. there’s no way that that many people unsubscribed all at that time. In fact, I don’t believe Dan lost one single sub. Afterall, who would change their mind and unsubscribe from Dan? No one! I know it takes timne for YT to catch up on numbers in other areas but this defies logic. Thanks for your diligence!

    1. Agreed! Plus there was the opposing RESTORE of 73 subs all at one time, a little later.

      I suppose there COULD have been a trigger in there somewhere, that caused a whole block of subs to be temporarily removed until proven to be OK. Still…very weird!

      Right at this moment, the reading says we’re just over halfway to 998K. That has happened since midnight. Hooray!

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