06/30/2021–Our Triune God‘s Love for Us
(Click on Video Thumbnail Below, to Watch on YouTube)
Early in the morning on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, a friend texted a scripture and someone else’s interpretation of that scripture, to our prayer group.
After reading the interpretation, I wrestled with whether or not to just leave it alone, or respond. Responding won. I’ll quote the scripture below, with the interpretation, then my response.
Scripture: Romans 8:38-39 (NKJV)…
“For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.“
The Interpretation Presented in the Text…
“Through the sacrifice of His Son, God demonstrated His love to all those who would receive Jesus Christ. When we trust in the Savior, we permanently become God‘s beloved children. Nothing can separate us from His love.“
My Thoughts Regarding that Interpretation…
That all sounds well and good—unless you pay careful attention to the first sentence in that quote or the second sentence. Truly, the only true thing in that quote is the final sentence, which actually quotes the scripture: “Nothing can separate us from His love.”
As for the other two sentences, I addressed them as follows…
The one true, triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—demonstrated His love for ALL, when He CREATED all—out OF Himself, BY the Word of God (Jesus)—in the first place.
Every second of every day, He has ALWAYS demonstrated that love—which is the same toward every person—whether or not a person exercises the free will given BY that love, by accepting the sacrifice made by God, who allowed one PART of Himself to submit to fleshly form to make the FINAL sacrifice, then RISE from that death, present His own blood back to Himself to finish the task, and therefore fulfill the LAW.
Yes, I know that Jesus SHED His blood on the cross. However, He was resurrected, and walked out of the tomb IN HIS EARTHLY BODY, which was still flesh AND blood, which is very significant.
It was that true, faultless, everlasting, TOTAL LOVE—the same love that CREATED mankind initially—that even SENT a part of Himself to do that job. He did NOT just demonstrate that love for “those who would believe.” He demonstrated that love for ALL mankind, period—whether or not His own children (every person ever created, BORN of the heart and love of God) choose eternal life, or whether they ultimately choose death.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, CREATED ALL of us in love, they love us NOW, and they will FOREVER love us.
Everything that He has EVER done, has demonstrated that love. GOD IS LOVE. He cannot NOT demonstrate love.
Thank you, LORD!
You may want to have a listen to the following songs, in the order in which they are placed here. They are all scriptural, and they all saying the same thing that I’ve said above, plus they’re all just really, really great Jesus music! 😀
This one is not music. It’s a compilation of SCRIPTURES, put together to create this “letter from God,” and then read out loud.
This afternoon, I have just received Joseph Prince’s daily newsletter. I treasure those newsletters. Every day is a special blessing from Papa God. Today’s letter is perfectly timed as another special note to go along with this devotional article.
“Unveiling the Heart of the Father” (by Joseph Prince)
Late last night, my sister Cindi sent me the link to the following VERY powerful testimonial video that I hope very much that you will watch and listen to. It’s quite amazing! I’ve heard similar testimonies before, but I think this is the most powerful one I’ve ever heard. This is especially so, since it “showed up on my radar” just a few hours before I was getting ready to begin recording this video. God’s timing is always SO superb!
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Scriptures from the New King James Version (NKJV), ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson (All Rights Reserved).
Less than 500 verses of scripture used by general permission.
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