06/14/2023–Are You Feeling OVERWHELMED?

06/14/2023–Are You Feeling OVERWHELMED?

(Click on Video Thumbnail Below, to Watch on YouTube)

Earlier today, I had received a rather desperate message from someone who needed prayer. The reasons were not included, so I turned to Holy Spirit. The following conversation has been edited to become generic. If you feel this whole basic scenario could be also for YOU, please grab what Holy Spirit has provided, and run with it!

[from Holy Spirit, through me]

Praying now…

Lord, whatever peace is needed–spirit, soul, and/or body–I ask you to bring it, now.

Devil, get your messy hands off of this person and any owned property, immediately, in the name of Jesus, which is above ALL other names.

Joy, COME, in Jesus’ name.

I’m also praying in the Spirit.

[end of that part]

[after a few minutes of conversation, from me]

I just saw a big hammer being wielded by the devil. I told him and the hammer, to STOP, in Jesus’ name. The plan has FAILED, and God WINS!

[end of that part]

[after some further conversation regarding a large number of things that had been happening, all at once]

…that’s the hammer, then. It’s the same one the ever-liar, ever-loser is using on a WHOLE lot of people right now. His plan is to just drop that hammer on everything, everywhere there’s a Christian, for one thing.

The hammer comes down, and it creates another mess or problem (to spirit, soul, or body), in yet another area, before any previous damage has been mended.

That would be why I was seeing to pray for PEACE in every area.

The hammer of the devil is to be DEFEATED, in Jesus’ name. Holy Spirit is bigger and better than all the lies.

I believe the hammer is named, “OVERWHELMING.” Guess what?! There is NO name, that overwhelms our God!

We are ALL going to get through this. The hammer does NOT get to win!

[end of that part]

[Holy Spirit reminded me of the following appropriate scripture.]

I moved the comma near the end, to the actually appropriate place–given the rest of the chapter. Keep in mind that there are no commas in the Hebrew written language.

Isaiah 59:19 (New King James Version)

“…so shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.”

I would highly recommend reading the entire chapter (Isaiah 59) (which begins with, “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.”) In that chapter you will see quite an interesting word-picture of the same type of situation that we are seeing in our world today, and what the “overwhelming” hammer of the devil tries to do.

It’s when we recognize that, and turn to the one who created the world(s) in the first place, and allow our Lord Jesus Christ to lead us, guide us, and therefore, meet all our needs (even when everything around us SEEMS “overwhelming,” (see definition below), that God Himself steps in and ACTUALLY overwhelms what the devil has meant for harm.

Definition of OVERWHELM (Dictionary.com):
1) to overcome completely in mind or feeling.
2) to overpower or overcome, especially with superior forces; destroy; crush.

Which one has the “superior forces?” Is it the devil with his hammer named OVERWHELMING, or is it God Himself?

About that comma, in verse 19, you COULD put a comma both before AND after the phrase, “like a flood,” because, yes, the devil DOES try to flood us out and overwhelm us. However, if we spend some time in prayer and remember whose flood is the MOST overwhelming (God’s), we then have the answer to the problems. Stop worrying. Stop being bound up by fear. Stop looking at the circumstances. Look, instead, to the ONE who always WINS (devil? NO! God? YES!). PERIOD!

After you’ve read through the WHOLE of Isaiah 59, you may want to either watch (on YouTube) or read through the following “Give Him 15” episodes/chapters by Dutch Sheets (the written versions have more information in them, than the YouTube versions):

June 13, 2023 (written)

June 13, 2023 (YouTube)

June 14, 2023 (written–PART 1)

June 14, 2023 (YouTube)…

June 15, 2023 (written–PART 2)

June 15, 2023 (YouTube)…

June 16, 2023 (written) (PART 3)

June 16, 2023 (YouTube)

One of my own videos also applies (there are others that do, as well, but this is the most appropriate one).

“01/14/2023–Watchmen & Warriors (Written 02/24/2021)”…

For some reason, just pushing the Play Button on this video sometimes doesn’t want to allow the video to play right here on this screen, without leaving my site. Usually that’s not a problem. If it does that to you, simply use the”Watch on YouTube” Button (bottom left corner as it shows up originally, here), or the “YouTube” Button (bottom right corner after the video stalls out, here) and watch the video there, without a problem.

* * * * * * * SPECIAL INSERT–06/17/2023 * * * * * * *

There are a number of comments, notes, and videos referenced above, from the days since this article was written, until yesterday. I’ve inserted this one, NOW, because it is a huge confirmation from Holy Spirit!

I have previously supported David Wesley on Patreon, for years, but have recently had to back off on several of my larger donations for a while. David knows that I’ll be back as soon as I can, and has been making sure that I’m getting notifications for new videos, for which I’m very grateful. As I was checking my e-mail about 20 minutes ago, a notification for the following YouTube video appeared in my inbox!!! I was stunned at the title, and rushed to watch and listen. YES!!! It is exactly what I thought it would be! I hope you will go straight to it and listen to this lovely confirmation of God’s intent for the world, NOW! Also, PLEASE read David’s short Description. The timing of this video is no mistake! Holy Spirit is AWESOME!

* * * * * * * ANOTHER SPECIAL INSERT–06/19/2023 * * * * * * *

Another connection just hit my e-mail box. I’ve been working hard at getting the new Grandma’s Got Grace video completed and uploaded today. I thought I had everything ready to record, but guess what? Holy Spirit wasn’t done!

The title of this word coming through Lana Vawser, is: I HEARD THE LORD SAY, “I AM GOING TO BAPTIZE YOU IN AWE.”

In the first paragraph, Lana defines the word “baptism,” which means, “to be fully immersed in.” She also explains about the “awe of God.” About the middle of the page, she says, “Many have been in a place of feeling so overwhelmed by circumstances, loss, warfare, and pressing…”

The whole thing connects with what I’ve been hearing straight from Holy Spirit, and from others who are also listening to what He’s saying for our “NOW season.”


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