specific definition of “writing” from dictionary.com
…the act of a person or thing that writes
…written form
…that which is written
…such characters or matter with respect to style, kind, quality, etc.
…an inscription
…a letter
…any written or printed paper, as a document or deed
…literary or musical style, form, quality, technique, etc.
…a literary composition or production
…the profession of a writer
Existing Sub-Pages:
Devotional Subjects
..…...10/19/2018—Deuteronomy 28:1-14 (The Blessings of Obedience)
……..12/12/2018–Deuteronomy 27 & 28 (Obedience & Disobedience)
……..12/18/2018–Why did God Send a BABY to Save Us?
……..04/11/2020–Good Friday?
……..09/20/2020–So…Why Be Afraid?
……..03/26/2021–Standing in Faith When You’ve Prayed
……..05/05/2021–Step by Step
……..06/30/2021–Our Triune God’s Love for Us
……..08/13/2021–What About Mary?
……..08/20/2021–By His Stripes…
……..09/07/2021–Such Great Faith–Beyond Belief
……..10/23/2021–How Long, Lord, Must We Wait?
……..03/21/2022–Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory
……..06/10/2022–What Are the Scriptures “Good For?”
……..09/11/2022–Galatians 6–On a Personal Note
……..09/09/2023–Do You Not Know? Have You Not Heard?
Prophetic Messages
……..October 2001–A Vision of “Golden Doors”
……..11/04/2020–Vision of Angel Army
……..12/17/2020–Prophetic Dream
……..12/20/2020–Vision of the “Fabric of God”
……..01/14/2021–Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
……..02/24/2021–Watchmen & Warriors
……..03/12/2021–The Veil and The Blood
……..03/23/2021–An Interesting (Unfinished?) Dream
……..04/01/2021–Joe Biden’s 03/19/21 Fall On Airplane Steps
……..05/09/2021–The Ancient of Days
……..06/25/2021–This Battle Has Already Been Won
……..07/01/2021–“Crazy” Dream
……..11/28/2021–Keeping In Step with God (Four Dreams)
……..12/26/2021–The “Three Men”
……..01/18/2022–God is Speaking Loudly, and Singing Over His People
……..09/22/2022–The Beginning, the Middle, and the End
……..12/19/2022–The Pillowcase
……..06/14/2023–Are You Feeling OVERWHELMED?
……..07/28/2023–A Strange Dream Sequence
……..A Young Man’s Fancy–A Work in Progress
……..Coming Soon
……..Alaska–All the Colors of White
……..The Big Alaska Earthquake–My Memories
……..How Are Dan Vasc’s Covers of Dr. Stein and Amazing Grace Linked?
……..Merry Christmas 2024 from the Wingfield and Francy Clan
……..10/06/2018–The Rhythm of a Limerick
……..Coming Soon
Articles by Members
……..My Testimony (by Judi Beth Francy–May 2022)