12/18/2022–Powerful Prayer from Psalm 8

[BASED ON] Psalm 8 (NKJV–Bible Gateway)

(The Glory of the Lord in All of Creation)

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David knew a lot about the Glory of the Lord, and why He should be praised above anyone or anything here on Earth or anywhere else in the universe. He also understood a lot about God’s relationship with His people. Plus, he knew the power of acknowledging the awesomeness of God, which gave him the will and the strength to continue onward with his life–even in the face of enemies continually trying to take him out! Today we will use a personalized form of David’s acknowledgment of the excellent and powerful greatness of our God, as our prayer of praise and recognition for our Most Excellent Father.


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O Lord, my Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth!

Your Glory far exceeds everything in this earth or in all the heavens, or anywhere that exists that I can’t even comprehend in these moments of my earthly life. Because of your love for me, you even sent Jesus here as a tiny newborn—thereby creating a new and most excellent blood covenant—straight from your heart to mine. Because Jesus became all God, yet all human, you have set within me the strength to take dominion over “the enemy” and his army of fallen angels.

Even though, genetically, I was already your child, now I am your covenant child, as well–even after Adam and Eve unwittingly gave away the power you had vested in them at their creation!

When I consider that you created EVERYTHING, including me, by your Word, I find it a HUGE honor that you are still watching over me–even to this day, and then onward, into forever. It is so very AWESOME that you made me in your own image, then invested your Glory in me, in order that I would be able to reign here on Earth as a being who is only a little lower than yourselves. Because of that, and by the victory Jesus achieved when He submitted to death, then resurrected Himself, you have also crowned me with your own brand of Glory and Honor. Hallelujah!!!

O Lord, my Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth! AMEN

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Songs of Hope and Joy” (My YouTube Playlist)

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Powerful Prayers (Listed on My Website)

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