12/11/2022–Powerful Prayer from Psalm 42

[BASED ON] Psalm 42 (NKJV–Bible Gateway)
(Speaking to God and to Yourself, in the Middle of Distress)

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Sometimes, even when we are pressing in and believing God throughout our daily lives, we will find ourselves overloaded by “stuff” in the world system. This particular psalm definitely deals with such times. It was evidently written by the Sons of Korah, who then presented their maschil [ משכיל ] (a song or poem of contemplation) to the Chief Musician, to be introduced to the people.

In 1999 a new band of musicians living in Australia named themselves after the ancient worship band. Here’s where you can find their home page: Home – Sons of Korah. Their “ABOUT” page tells more about the original Sons of Korah, and why their musical works appear in the Psalms. You can also find links to all their music there (ALL modern versions of biblical psalms), along with some fairly in-depth study notes for those psalms. Unfortunately, it looks like they are no longer making music, as of 2020 (possibly for obvious reasons).

As for this particular psalm, a singer named Marty Nystrom wrote a beautiful song from it, in 1984. You can read about how that occurred, here: Story Behind the Song: ‘As the Deer’ (staugustine.com). The song has been widely sung, all over the world, in worship and/or praise services, ever since it was first shared to the public. In 2000, the Maranatha Singers (of Maranatha Music) included the song in their “Songs 4 Worship” series. You can watch & listen to a lyric video they posted on YouTube (April 11, 2017), here: As the Deer/Lyric Video.

By taking a look at these references, you can get a better idea about how the psalms were written, presented to the musicians, and then sung by the people, way back in “Biblical Days” (which we are still in, but you know what I mean). Today’s prayer will be from the entire psalm, taken from the New King James Version, and put into New Covenant language. This is both a prayer directly to God, and instruction for our own souls.

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TO GOD: As deer long for running water, so my soul longs for you—the God who lives in me. My soul thirsts for you, Lord, even in times when I have been “eating and drinking” my tears…even in times when the world is continually asking me, “So…where IS your God?!” Sometimes, when I remember these things, I pour out my soul to you, because though I used to go with the multitudes to church with joy and praise, sometimes I struggle with these things.

TO MY SOUL: Why are you bowed down by the things of the world, soul? Why are you filling me with disquiet? Stop doing those things, and put your hope in God! I set my will, right now, to praise Him, because HE will lift me up—spirit, soul, and body!

TO GOD: Father God, my soul has been cast down. Therefore, I will remember you from things I’ve read in the Bible about times from long ago, but also from the things I’ve seen you do in THIS day and time, all around me. Deep calls to deep (your spirit calls to my spirit), like the powerful noise of your waterfalls, and like the sound of the ocean waves on a beach. I know, Lord, that you have decreed your loving kindness over me for every single day of my life. Even in the night hours, your song of love is with me!

TO MY SOUL: I will talk to GOD (who is my Rock), when I think I have been forgotten! I will NOT go into mourning because the enemy forces in this world have oppressed me—even if my bones are broken! There are people in my life every day, who say to me, “So…where IS your God?!” In those times, soul, you must not be cast down! You must not walk in disquiet and sorrow. I set my will, right now, to praise Him, because HE knows how to make me smile, and simply because HE is my God! Not only that, but He WINS, and therefore I win!


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Songs of Hope and Joy” (My YouTube Playlist)

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Powerful Prayers (Listed on My Website)

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