08/28/2022–Powerful Prayer from Psalm 3

[BASED ON] PSALM 3 (NKJV–Bible Gateway)
The Lord Helps His Troubled People:
(A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom–his son)

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The entire scripture is paraphrased, below, into modern English, with the emphasis on the New Covenant, and seen through the blood of Jesus shed for us.

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Lord, in this day, we increasingly see trouble rising up against us–as believers, as citizens of the earth, in our country, and around the world. There are many “out there” who are continually saying, “Just give up. There is no help for you, from or in God!”

BUT…You, O Lord, are our shield of protection and safety. In fact, you have raised your Glory over us as our banner. Therefore, we lift our heads–keeping our eyes on you–in recognition of your love and your power to keep us.

When we cry out to you with our voices, you ALWAYS hear us. Then we are able to not only walk through our days with your strength, but we can lie down to sleep well–with no fear or dread–because you alone sustain us.

We will not be afraid of anyone who has set themselves against us, even if there are 10,000 enemy forces (or more) surrounding us. We know, Lord, that when you became our Sacrifice Lamb, you struck down the power of darkness in the Earth. You have already “broken the teeth” of the ungodly spirits that still think they can hold us down.

Salvation–through the blood of Jesus–comes only from you, Lord, and we thank you for blessing us with it, forever. Because we now are in you, and you are in us, we can stand strongly against the powers of darkness–even when it seems to be coming from family members or long-time friends.

Because of that, we will also lift up those people who have seemed to be against you, and against us, so that they, too, will begin to perceive you as their shield of protection and safety. We will pause and think about this, and will remember to do it, instead of cursing them.


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A Shield About Me” (The Maranatha Singers)

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Songs of Hope and Joy” (My YouTube Playlist)

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Powerful Prayers (Listed on My Website)

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