Ephesians 2 (NKJV–Bible Gateway)
(Understanding God’s Grace & Faith in Us—Part 1)
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Before you speak this prayer out loud, I would encourage you to use the link above, to read the scripture itself. The link will open a new page, so you don’t lose your place here. The prayer, below, is written in modern English, with the context personalized, as a way of speaking God’s Word back to Him in recognition of His intent toward mankind, while reinforcing our belief and faith in that Word.
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Father God, you have made me alive to you, even though I once walked according to the spirit of disobedience that has had authority in this world for eons. I had been conducting myself according to the worldly, fleshly desires, and I was, by my very nature, a child of wrath (along with everyone else in that situation).
However, you are so very rich in mercy (because of your great love for all of us even while still in that situation), that you have made us sit in heavenly places with you–in and through your son Jesus, and by Holy Spirit–so that you may continue to show the never-ending riches of your grace and kindness toward to all mankind.
By your grace, I have been saved through the gift of your faith, not by anything I have ever done to save myself. I am YOUR workmanship, created for the life YOU want me to live. Therefore, I will remember that I now live with YOUR hope, and I am never without you in this world, because you have anchored me by your side, through the blood of Jesus, and by the power of your Spirit.
You are my peace, and every wall of separation between us has been broken down by the blood, death, and resurrection of Jesus, who fulfilled the “law of commandments,” therefore grafting Jews and gentiles together, into you. Through Him and by Holy Spirit, I have full access to you and your kingdom.
I understand that I am no stranger or foreigner to you. Instead, I am a fellow citizen who has been set apart as a member of your household, with Jesus being our chief cornerstone, and that we have become your residing place–your temple–on Earth.
Thank you, Father, for this wonderful work you have done in me, and help me to remember this, every hour of every day, in the name of Jesus.