01/08/2023–Powerful Prayer from 4 Scriptures
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Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV–Bible Gateway)
John 1:1-5 (NKJV–Bible Gateway)
John 14:6-14 (NKJV–Bible Gateway)
Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV–Bible Gateway)
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Lord, we trust you today, from our hearts—leaning into you, and not on the worldly understanding that surrounds us so thickly. In everything we do, wherever we do it, and whatever the situation or occasion, we acknowledge YOU. Therefore, as you promised us, you will not only direct us TO the paths where we should walk, but you will also make them smooth and straight ahead of us, around us, and behind us.
We can do this, because we believe in you as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We understand that as the Father, you gave your words to Jesus, who spoke them, and then the power of the Word was picked up by Holy Spirit, and applied to the things that hadn’t yet been seen, so that they WERE then seen. Thus, ALL things were made through the Word, and without Him, there would have been NO THING made.
Thank you, Lord, that by your Word (Jesus), you placed your LIFE into us, and that life still abides in us as the LIGHT of ALL mankind. We thank you, Lord, that your Light continues (every millisecond of every day) shining into our world. To this day (and forever), the Word of God is living, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword—piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart of any person (or demon). Thus (though there is still darkness here on Earth, to be sure) it is NOT POSSIBLE for it to overcome your Light! Hallelujah!
Again, we know that you, Jesus, are the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through you. We know how the Father does things, and that we can trust Him, because we have seen the way He works among us by what we know of you. That is sufficient for us. We understand that you speak fully with the authority of Your (and our) Father, because we have seen the things that you do–through Holy Spirit–right here on Earth, even though we can no longer see you physically walking among us, at this point in time.
Since we DO believe these things, we trust you to help us do the same things in the world that you did when you walked here in human form. Because you have now gone back to our Father, we understand that you have given us your name, Jesus, which is all we need to accomplish the same things you taught us to do when you were physically here among us. You have said that ANYTHING we ask in your name, you WILL do, so that the glory of our Father will be manifested here on Earth by you and Holy Spirit, just like when you created the very world in which we now live. Thank you for continuing to guide us, as we walk in your smooth, straight, capable steps, every day that we live.
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“Songs of Hope and Joy” (My YouTube Playlist)
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Powerful Prayers (Listed on My Website)
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