“I’m Blessed”

Copyright Phillip Martin Clip Art

The year that I met my (2nd) husband David, I wrote a very simple song, as I was studying about the Blessing and the Curse of the Law, in the book of Deuteronomy.

At the time I wrote it, it was kind of a victory song to sing at the devil, because I was going through a bit of a hard time, and I needed to let him know where I stood. So I would sing it, and shake my fist at him, and stomp my foot, while singing, “I’m blessed, BLESS GOD, I’m blessed!!!”

I’m sharing the (digitally-played) music file, and the sheet music, as well. You are free to download both, if you like. It’s very simplistic. I’m hoping that maybe my daughter Judi and I can actually sing it together and record it to share here as well.

Click here to open an .mp3 player in a new tab. From there, you can right-click on the player to save the .mp3 file to your own computer, phone, or tablet:
Download the .mp3 File

To just listen to the (digitally-played) song here, without downloading it, click on the player below:

To see or download a .pdf file of the sheet music, click HERE.

Here’s a thumbnail of the sheet music (melody line and chords only), so you can follow along with the words as you play the .mp3. If you want to sing the second verse, just play the .mp3 file again.  😀

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