Home Free Vocal Ranges Chart

UPDATED: September 15, 2024

Tim Foust (bass and…)
Vocal Range: B0 – A5

Adam Chance (baritone and…)
Vocal Range: F♯1 – F5

Adam Bastien (alternate tenor)
NOTE: (This is a LIMITED ESTIMATION of Bastien’s vocal range, based on his performance in Home Free’s new video (August 9, 2024)…
Home Free – Something To Talk About

Upon watching the video a third time, I realized it was truly Bastien singing the F5 high note at the end. HOWEVER: Chance, Rob, Tim, OR Adam Rupp COULD have done so. From what has been said by several others, the understanding is, that Chance was fooling around to make it LOOK like he was hitting that note (which, again, he definitely COULD have). However, if you listen closely, you can definitely hear that the note is coming from Bastien, and not Chance.

ESTIMATED Vocal Range: E♭3 – F5 (possibly lower and/or higher)
There’s very little or no info available anywhere online, with no entry for him, at all, on therangeplace, regarding Bastien’s ACTUAL Vocal Range. I will update this information, once it can be found online.

[09/15/24] — I just watched “I Still Believe in You,” which was posted on 09/13/24. Bastien’s range in that song is only D#3/Eb3 through C5, which is not as long of a reach as previously reported.

The Range Place IS up and running again, but there are still neither any Posts or Threads for Adam Bastien.

[09/22/24] — The Range Place is down again…sigh.

Rob Lundquist (lead tenor)
Vocal Range: B♭1 – G♯5

Adam Rupp (co-founder, beatboxer, and…)
Vocal Range: B0 – G♯6

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Chris Rupp (founder & previous baritone)
Vocal Range: G♯1 – G♯5

Austin Brown (previous high tenor)
Vocal Range: E♭1 – C6

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NOTE: Clicking on the chart will open a new tab with a larger version of just the following chart. Once there, if you click on it, you’ll get the full-size version.

DISCLAIMER: None of the photos belong to me and I don’t claim any copyright. They are all very public shots found all over the internet. They are shown here, to help you identify the individuals on the chart, by personage.

5 Replies to “Home Free Vocal Ranges Chart”

    1. Thank you, sir. :slight_smile:

      I’ll have to be changing it again at the end of June. Austin Brown is leaving the group, now that he’s married (just last year). He’s been doing solo work (as they all have) for the past couple of years, and I’m sure he’ll be able to find something where he’s not away from home all the time.

      Vocal ranges have always interested me. I was singing before I was two, as well as playing accordion, piano, organ, trumpet/cornet, guitar, penny whistles, and recorders.

      I grew up in a music-filled house, out in the country, two miles outside of Old Valdez, Alaska. My mom played violin, ukelele, accordion, piano, organ, penny whistles, and recorders. My dad sang tenor, and LOVED singers like Ernie Ford. My two brothers and my sister all followed in my footsteps to play cornet or trumpet. I’m the only one who stayed with it, and when I turned 71, I bought myself a new one. I was doing pretty well with it until a year ago and then I sloughed off. I’ve picked it up again, though, as of two weeks ago…working on getting my lip back.

      I’ve been recuperating from rheumatoid arthritis since 2017 when both of my hip joints were replaced. I can stand and walk, though for long walks I still need a walker.

      I’ve regained much of my singing range (which used to be just over six octaves). I never lost my bass range, and I can hit and sustain the next-to-lowest note in Tim Foust’s range. I’m back up into second soprano, now, and still reaching for those REALLY high notes.

      I enjoyed watching a couple of your videos with your guitar. You may have seen my comments. Beautiful!

      Also…I love that you work with the children. What a blessing!

      My husband and I have six children all together (one his, four mine, and one ours), 22 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. We live with that youngest girl, her husband, and their eight children (aged nearly-19, down through just-four). Everyone sings and plays some type of instrument, even if just a tiny bit. The little guy (Eliel — which means God is my God) sings AMAZINGLY. He can hear just a couple of notes, pick up, and go from there.

      Anyway…have a great day, and thanks again, for checking out the range chart. :slight_smile:

  1. Now that Austin has left and Adam Bastien has joined the group, I would like to see the chart updated. I love your chart.

    1. Hello, Peggy. I’ve been trying to get the time to do just that. I should be able to get the re-do done sometime in the next couple of weeks (before the end of August 2024).

      Thanks for the “push.” :relieved::heart_eyes:

    2. Peggy…I’ve done the best I can, for the moment. There’s simply nothing to be found (even on Bastien’s own website) that shows his actual range. Also, the Range Planet boards are being updated, and I can’t get into them to see if anything has been changed there. Once I can, I’ll fix anything that has changed.

      Also, now that Bastien has actually made an official video with HF, the Range Planet will probably be adding info about him before too long, and once they do, I’ll add it here, as well. ☺

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