Wesley Francy — Composer
Begun 04/11/2024
Updated 11/06/2024
One of my grandsons, Wesley, turned nine on 03/23/2024. On 04/10/2024, he showed me the song he was composing in BeepBox. It wasn’t completed yet, but once he finished it, he told me the story of the part of “the game” where this music would be played. He also explained to me that this was NOT copied from something he had previously listened to. It came COMPLETELY out of his own brain.
My First Question: “What Game?”
Wesley’s Answer: “I don’t know. It hasn’t been invented yet!”
My Next Question: “Aha! So…do you plan to get Isaiah involved with this?
Wesley’s Answer: “Yes.”
Isaiah turned 15 on 06/05/2024. He’s been learning to program since HE was about nine. He and Harry (who turned 16 on 01/15/2024) also write music, which is one reason Wesley is now learning. Isaiah’s focus is mainly on creating games. He has yet to finish one, BUT…I’ve been informed that he and Harry ARE working on the game for which Wesley wrote this song!
Harry loves to play games (as does the whole family of 12 — two grandparents, two parents, and eight children), and he is also writing game music. He and his mom (my 39-year-old youngest daughter who is both an accomplished musician and singer, in her own right — following in her mother’s footsteps — grin) also love to “bend” existing songs for fun. For instance, they might both be singing a familiar song together, and suddenly, one of them will decide to play and/or sing it in a minor key, if it was previously written in a major key, or vice versa.
Judi (Harry’s mom/my daughter) has also been composing since SHE was about nine years old. As she got older, she sometimes sang in church choir settings and in high school, she played (clarinet and flute) in the band. Sometimes (at home) she also played around with the piccolo, viola, penny whistles, and recorders, plus learning to play keyboards of several different types. She wrote several short, completely orchestrated pieces, using Finale on her computer. I have many of those compositions on my computer. They are amazing. She’s never tried to sell anything, and the orchestral compositions have never been played in full, though she and her friends played around with them for a while. She just wanted to WRITE them, to get them out of her head, I think. I fully understand that!
Our family is musical in one way or another, out of generations long past, and quite obviously into upcoming generations. It’s just the way we are, and we love it.
Here’s the song that Wesley wrote. He says that the space at the end wasn’t supposed to happen. He meant for the whole thing to LOOP. He’ll be fixing that.
11/06/24 NOTE…he still hasn’t fixed that.
In the meantime, here’s the Story, as he told it to me, that will someday be part of the…”Unknown Game” that Isaiah and Harry are definitely creating! Wow!
04/11/24 NOTE: Read it fairly slowly, at an even pace, and you’ll be amazed by the end of both the music and the story. 😀
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“You’re walking, and you come to a cave, and go in it. Then, you’re like, “I shouldn’t be in here.” Then all of a sudden, you look back at the cave entrance, and there’s a bat…a GIANT bat! All of a sudden, you have laser guns that just appear in your hands. Then you start shooting. Then the bat explodes, and you escape.”
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Go, Wesley! More to come, I’m sure! ❗ 😀
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Wesley has just added three more interesting pieces of music to his library. They are quite simply-named. The music, however, is a bit more complex. I like all three of them, but #3 fascinates me. As we were talking about them tonight, Wesley indicated that he will make a copy of at least that one, and add more parts. That should be VERY interesting!
Wesley 1 …
Wesley 2 …
Wesley 3 …
that music really fits the description, love it!!
Thank you, Wendy! I’ll let Wesley know that he got a “LIKE!” (grin)
Wesley, this one sounds good! Just call it “Unknown Game”
I will give him the message! He’ll love it! :bat:
Hey Wesley, you’re doing great! Keep up the awesome work, The more you learn, the better you’ll get!
Just copied that message and printed it for him to find later, when he wakes up. THANK YOU SO MUCH! :heart_eyes: