Christmas Card–2021 (Go Tell It On the Mountain)

M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S !

Since I’ve been drawing quite a bit this past year, I decided to do a special drawing for our family Christmas Card, which most of you are receiving digitally–from this site, on Facebook, or through my Grandma’s Gone Gaming YouTube channel.

The following pictures (the front and back of the actual card) may be downloaded and printed if you like. Or you may hover over each drawing and click the pointer that pops up, which will open a new tab, with a larger version of the drawing.

The front page holds the quick sketch I made, based on my brother Gary’s beautiful photo named “Blowin’ in the Wind.” As you can see, I turned his bright daylight photo into a starry-night drawing, minus the “blowin’ in the wind” road-clearing equipment. I just needed a road going to somewhere…particularly onto a mountain, thus the creative changes.

The roadside sign standing on the verge of the highway, on the mountain, contains the message, “משיח נולד!” which translates to, “Messiah is/has been born!

The back page gives a link to a wonderful version of the song, “Go, Tell It On the Mountain,” recently posted on YouTube by Zach Williams. You can also find other versions of this song, plus a good array of other Christmas music, on my “Songs for Christmas” YouTube Playlist.

Last, but not least, the card is “signed” on the back, by our 12-person, multi-layered farm family, as you can see below.

Download Front Page (.png file)

Download Back Page (.png file)

Download the Full-Page Foldable Version (.pdf file)

Inside of the folded, print-version of the card (made to hand out at our church and for a few mail-outs) I added three printed inserts that you may read if you like, by clicking on their links below. They are all saved as .pdf files if you would like to download them.

*** “Why Did God Send a Baby to Save Us?” ***

.pdf (will open in a new page here, and may be downloaded)

online (right here, at Linda’s Place)

*** “Isaiah 52” ***

.pdf (will open in a new page here, and may be downloaded)

*** “The Image of the Messiah in Judaism and Christianity ***

.pdf (it will open in a new page here, and may be downloaded)

online (Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs–can be read, printed, or shared)

I’ve also thrown in a bonus, for those of you who are musical, who would like to have the sheet music for the two-part trumpet arrangement I put together for “Go, Tell It On the Mountain.” I had planned to record it myself, and probably still will, but I need some better recording equipment and software. In the meantime, if you would like, you may download the .mp3 file I created using the (totally free) MuseScore (free) program I used to write out the sheet music.  The .mp3 file will sound like two trumpets playing…but it’s not me…sigh.

Sheet Music .pdf (it will open in a new page here, and may be downloaded)

.mp3 Music File (it will open in a new page here, and may be downloaded)

The MuseScore program is somewhat limited, and I couldn’t get the lyrics to do what I wanted for the three verses, so I typed them all out on a separate sheet, which you may also grab for yourself should you be so inclined,

Lyrics .pdf (it will open in a new page here, and may be downloaded)

The basic tune and lyrics are both in the Public Domain, and I did not use anyone else’s arrangement. My harmonies and rhythms are slightly different than most arrangements I’ve heard (but very simple). Judi and I are planning to add more instrumentation, but we ran out of time for this year.

18 Replies to “Christmas Card–2021 (Go Tell It On the Mountain)”

  1. Thank you for the wonderful card, Linda! Hope to talk with you on Christmas eve or Christmas day. Hope you & all the family have a great day filled with the love of Jesus Christ!

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